- Acne & Pimple Care
- Allergies
- Arthritis Pain
- Milk Powder
- Blood Pressure
- Bone
- Bowel Care
- Calcium
- Co Q10
- Cold and Flu
- Colostrum
- Evening Primrose Oil
- Eye Care
- Gingko Plus
- Glucosamine
- Gout Relief
- Honey
- Hair skin nail
- Hair Care
- Headache
- Immune System
- Joint
- Kidney
- Liver
- Lung Care
- Manuka Honey
- Memory
- Omega 3
- Omega 3 6 9
- Propolis
- Shark Products
- Sexual Enhancement
- Stomach Care
- Sleep
- Sugar Balance
- SkinCare
- Vitamins
- Weight Loss
- Women’s Health

- Dr Natural’s Acai Berry is wild harvested only from the most mature palm trees.
- Dr Natural Acai Berry Fruit Extracted powder PE 10:1 has Super ORAC antioxidant values, and excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, omega fatty acids and amino acids.
- ORAC Test of Dr Natural Acai Berry done in Independent Laboratory.
100% Pure Acai Fruit extracted powder PE10:1 400mg